Montgomery County Public Schools
Montgomery County, Virginia
Construction Update
Project Manager: Greg Polcha
Superintendent: Steve Nicely
The New Elliston-Shawsville Elementary, located at 8561 Roanoke Rd, Elliston, VA, consists of a single story structure, with three mechanical mezzanines located within various attic spaces throughout the building. This 106,000 sf building consists of a central core that contains an administation area, media center, cafeteria/auditorium, gym and art rooms. There are two seperate classroom wings that raidate from the core. The building structure is masonry on cast in place concrete footings. The roof sturcture is a mix of light gauge metal framing and metal roof trusses. The exterior consists of three colors of architectural brick as well as architectural pre-cast concrete. The completion date is May 28, 2010. HICAPS is providing scheduling services for this project. HICAPS has worked with Branch & Associates on a number of projects. Please visit their webiste at www.branch-associates.com .
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