During the period beginning February 2008 through May 2009 the manufactured housing production facilities for Southern Energy and Southern Estates divisions of Clayton Homes at Addison, Alabama were expanded significantly, nearly doubling the production capabilities at this location.
Brindley Construction retained HICAPS, Inc. of Greensboro, NC to assist with schedule development and maintenance on this project. Initial project schedules were developed with the Brindley Project Team and with the Clayton Homes Production Managers that considered not only the expansion of the new facilities but recognized that production at both the Southern Energy and Southern Estates Plants could not be interrupted. Schedules were updated with the Brindley Team and the Subcontractors bi-weekly through out the project. Bi-weekly and monthly review meetings were also held with the Clayton Production Managers. Owner’s moves, equipment installations, and construction of specialized production line fixtures were incorporated in to the schedules.
This highly coupled project was phased around production schedules, planned production shut downs, and holidays. In addition to the plant expansions new offices, break rooms and restroom facilities were constructed.
The office construction, like the production plant expansions, was required to be constructed in phases and completed on schedule so that office moves could be accomplished during planned shut down times.
Because the old break rooms and toilet facilities were being demolished and replaced with new facilities phasing of these renovations was also required so that there would be break rooms and restroom facilities continuously available for the plant employees.
Sitework which included new drainage structures, roads, lighting, utility work and other improvements had to be coordinated with the production schedules. Utility interruptions including the new 2500 Amp Electrical Service to the Southern Estates Plant could only occur during planned shut downs. New manufactured housing staging areas were constructed to take the place of previously existing staging areas which would now be occupied by the expanded plants. Significant amounts of unsuitable soil encountered on the site caused the development of recovery schedules so that Brindley’s operations would not impact production in either plant.
Scheduling the delivery of the more than 10 separate buildings and additions was also a critical consideration because of limited lay down space available during the project.
Even with all of the challenges faced by the Brindley Construction Team and the Production Managers for Clayton Homes which included maintaining production schedules in the active plants, unsuitable soil encountered, code required structural upgrades and weather impacts the project successfully completed within the original contract period.
If you would like more information on Brindley Construction LLC you can visit their website at
www.brindleyconst.com or Clayton Homes at
www.claytonhomes.com .