Monday, December 21, 2009

Video Viewing Blog

Just want to let all our subscribers know that the recent blog posted on Merz Pharmaceuticals that had videos attached can indeed be viewed if you go directly onto the blog ( For some reason the video did not show up in the email version.

Everyone here at HICAPS, Inc. would like to take this opportunity to say HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! We appreciate your business and interest in our company and look forward to a prosperous and happy New Year!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Merz Renovation Update

Merz Pharmaceuticals Update 12-16-09

Branch Newsletter Market Street Garage Update

From this
to this

Anyone familiar with the Roanoke City Market is familiar with the Market Street Parking Garage. Located at the intersection of Church and Market, the garage was stark and uninviting prompting many shoppers to park elsewhere or worse, not visit the market. Structural problems and the need for additional parking prompted the city to embark on renovating the structure. With its makeover almost complete, the Market Street Parking Garage will enhance the market district with a design more in keeping with surrounding architecture. Designed by Walter Robbs Callahan & Pierce Architects of Winston-Salem, NC, the project is on schedule to be completed in March 2010. HICAPS is providing the scheduling services.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Merz Pharmaceuticals Renovation

HICAPS is the Design Build General Contractor for the renovation of approximately 18,000 sft of existing warehouse space into Class A Office space which will include a new corporate boardroom, several medium size conference rooms, exterior and interior wall offices, cubicle office space, new bathrooms, new front entrance and lobby area, expansion of the existing break room, exterior courtyard spaces and new upgraded computer server room. The renovation scope is comprised of window and curtain wall installations (to increase daylighting), new fire suppression system, new plumbing, electrical, mechanical systems and fixtures, interior wall installation, radius sloped ceilings with reflective ceiling clouds in daylighting areas, floor finishes and casework.

This video reflects the removal of a 20’x10’ tilt up concrete wall section for a glass curtain wall installation. The job is for Merz Pharmaceuticals located in Greensboro, NC.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Lets Get Technical with Window Testing

The Building Diagnostics/Assessment division of HICAPS offers window testing and failure analysis to its clients as part of our “one stop shop” services approach. Our expertise in building diagnostics allows us to offer testing using a wind and rain maker. We have found there is a need for this service as it applies to new construction, repair of existing buildings and providing claims support. This test method is applicable to any curtain wall area or to windows, skylights and doors alone. On a more technical level referencing ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials) E331-00(2009) building standard which is Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Window, Skylights, door and curtain wall by uniform static air pressure difference. This test method is a standard procedure for determining the resistance to water penetration under uniform static air pressure differences. The air pressure differences acting across a building envelope vary greatly. Note that under this test method, performance of a wall or its components, or both, may be a function of proper installation and adjustment.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Elliston-Shawsville Elementary School

Branch & Associates
Montgomery County Public Schools
Montgomery County, Virginia

Construction Update

Project Manager: Greg Polcha

Superintendent: Steve Nicely

The New Elliston-Shawsville Elementary, located at 8561 Roanoke Rd, Elliston, VA, consists of a single story structure, with three mechanical mezzanines located within various attic spaces throughout the building. This 106,000 sf building consists of a central core that contains an administation area, media center, cafeteria/auditorium, gym and art rooms. There are two seperate classroom wings that raidate from the core. The building structure is masonry on cast in place concrete footings. The roof sturcture is a mix of light gauge metal framing and metal roof trusses. The exterior consists of three colors of architectural brick as well as architectural pre-cast concrete. The completion date is May 28, 2010. HICAPS is providing scheduling services for this project. HICAPS has worked with Branch & Associates on a number of projects. Please visit their webiste at .

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

NASCLA Accredited Examination Program Update

Tom Smithey, who is Vice President Building Diagnostics Division is one of the professionals working with NASCLA to draft this National Contractor's Licensing Exam which has been in the works since 2002.

NASCLA Accredited Examination Program Update:
It is one of those times in an organization’s lifetime to say, “Mission
Accomplished!” The first NASCLA Accredited Examination for
Commercial General Building Contractors was administered on
September 8, 2009 in Alabama. The Alabama Licensing Board for
General Contractors was the first NASCLA member to utilize the new
examination developed by PSI. The administration of this
examination is a milestone in NASCLA history, as NASCLA been
working at least ten years toward the goal of improving the quality of
construction examinations and enabling the mobility of contractors
across jurisdictions. NASCLA committee members, testing providers,
and consultants have participated in making this accomplishment truly a
collaborative effort.

In addition to the first examination being administered, NASCLA is also extremely pleased to include Professional Examination Service (PES) as the most recent provider of an accredited examination. NASCLA jurisdictions now have two testing providers who are NASCLA-approved and have accredited examinations.
The NASCLA Accredited Examination Program consists of an approval and an accreditation process. NASCLA spent several years developing and refining the NASCLA Examination Standards, which provide detailed criteria that must be met to ensure the highest quality examination development and administration. Testing providers who pass a business, financial and security audit based on the Standards are designated as NASCLA-approved. Testing providers who want to provide an accredited examination for commercial building contractors are required to use a national occupational analysis commissioned by NASCLA and conducted by PES as the basis for the examination content. Testing providers must also pass a psychometric audit of their examination development procedures based on the Standards. NASCLA jurisdictions are strongly encouraged to request that their testing provider become NASCLA approved in order to ensure that NASCLA standards are being met.
The NASCLA Accredited Examination Program was designed to assist contractors who need to be licensed in multiple jurisdictions. Contractors who take the accredited examination can access NASCLA’s examination database (NED) and request that their results be sent to other jurisdictions that accept the examination, thereby reducing redundant licensing requirements.
During the annual conference in Nashville, there was much interest from NASCLA members about the new examinations with a little friendly competition between member states about which would be the next state to utilize the accredited examination. In addition, many states expressed their commitment to accept the examination. NASCLA Accredited Examination Program committee members also spoke with Prometric and Prov, Inc. to encourage them to become NASCLA-approved providers.
If you have questions about the NASCLA Accredited Examination Program, you can request a program brochure or other information from the NASCLA office, and you may also request that a member of the NASCLA Submarketing Program Committee provide you with personal assistance for utilizing the program in your jurisdiction. Congratulations, NASCLA, on a great achievement!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Brindley Construction, LLC

During the period beginning February 2008 through May 2009 the manufactured housing production facilities for Southern Energy and Southern Estates divisions of Clayton Homes at Addison, Alabama were expanded significantly, nearly doubling the production capabilities at this location.

Brindley Construction retained HICAPS, Inc. of Greensboro, NC to assist with schedule development and maintenance on this project. Initial project schedules were developed with the Brindley Project Team and with the Clayton Homes Production Managers that considered not only the expansion of the new facilities but recognized that production at both the Southern Energy and Southern Estates Plants could not be interrupted. Schedules were updated with the Brindley Team and the Subcontractors bi-weekly through out the project. Bi-weekly and monthly review meetings were also held with the Clayton Production Managers. Owner’s moves, equipment installations, and construction of specialized production line fixtures were incorporated in to the schedules.

This highly coupled project was phased around production schedules, planned production shut downs, and holidays. In addition to the plant expansions new offices, break rooms and restroom facilities were constructed.

The office construction, like the production plant expansions, was required to be constructed in phases and completed on schedule so that office moves could be accomplished during planned shut down times.

Because the old break rooms and toilet facilities were being demolished and replaced with new facilities phasing of these renovations was also required so that there would be break rooms and restroom facilities continuously available for the plant employees.

Sitework which included new drainage structures, roads, lighting, utility work and other improvements had to be coordinated with the production schedules. Utility interruptions including the new 2500 Amp Electrical Service to the Southern Estates Plant could only occur during planned shut downs. New manufactured housing staging areas were constructed to take the place of previously existing staging areas which would now be occupied by the expanded plants. Significant amounts of unsuitable soil encountered on the site caused the development of recovery schedules so that Brindley’s operations would not impact production in either plant.

Scheduling the delivery of the more than 10 separate buildings and additions was also a critical consideration because of limited lay down space available during the project.

Even with all of the challenges faced by the Brindley Construction Team and the Production Managers for Clayton Homes which included maintaining production schedules in the active plants, unsuitable soil encountered, code required structural upgrades and weather impacts the project successfully completed within the original contract period.

If you would like more information on Brindley Construction LLC you can visit their website at or Clayton Homes at .

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Meet the Partners Building Diagnostics Part IV

The cornerstone of HICAPS for the past 25 years has been CPM Scheduling and Project Controls. It is our firm belief that with good information, controls and planning, every project has an equal chance of success. Along with the scheduling and project controls as our foundation, we are also well known for our engineering, estimating, construction and claims resolution experience. Now we have added another service as a natural out growth of the our area of expertise.

HICAPS Building Diagnostic Services was conceived out of a need expressed by our clients. HICAPS has performed Building Diagnostic Services as part of the claims resolution service and performed a number of condition assessments for our clients in the past. To perform these services we tapped into our own knowledge base of the envelope and reached out to the known experts that we had worked with in the past for roofing, Infrared Theromography, Nuclear Moisture Surveys, HVAC and Electrical Analysis and Architectural services.

Because of his experience and credentials, Tom Smithey, who has been with HICAPS since 1999, was chosen as the Program Director for the Building Diagnostics Division. To is a graduate of the Building Construction Program at Virginia Tech and is a Certified Professional Constructor. Tom holds GC licenses in several states and is a LEED AP. We are proud of our team and happy to be able to offer such an important service.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Meet the Partners Building Diagnostics Part III

West and Stem Architects bring a vast amount of knowledge regarding design services to the partnership. West & Stem Architects, PLLC is a new design firm born out of a strong desire to practice Architecture and build lasting relationships with clients and professional associates. The firm's principals. P. Michael West, AIA and James C. Stem, AIA have a successful working relationship dating nearly ten years as an owner and former employee of Calloway Johnson Moore and West, P.A. respectively. Michael and James bring collectively over 35 years of experience providing and coordinating a vast arrary of design services on all project types and scales.

The firm provides pre-design consulting services such as feasibility studies, master planning and programing, as well as a full range of Architectural services.

West & Stem, PLLC's main office is located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Currently P. Michael West, AIA and James C. Stem, AIA are licensed to provide services in North Carolina and Virginia.

We are happy to introduce West and Stem as our newest partner member to the Building Diagnostics team. As such they comprise an important part of our team and we are proud to be assoicated with them.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Meet the Partners Part II

Hummer Construction Resources (HCR)

HCR is based in Roanoke, VA. HCR brings 25+ years of hands on mechanical, electrical and plumbing experience to the table. Like the rest of the team, our approach to building diagnostics is more of a practical evaluation that starts by employing technicians who were "raised in the field" and know their MEP systems inside and out. Whether you need electrical evaluation, mechanical commissioning or have indoor air quality issues, HCR can diagnose your problem and give you options on how to best remedy your situation. We help our clients get the most of their facilities and we call that value!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Meet the Partners of HICAPS Building Diagnostics

The cornerstone of HICAPS (Hood Information Control and Planning Systems) for the past 25 years has been CPM Scheduling and Project Controls. It is still our firm belief that good information, controls and planning give every project the highest chance of success. In 2007 we added another service as a natural outgrowth of our other areas of expertise. Building Diagnostics is something HICAPS’ has done as part of our claims resolution services and was a natural fit. As part of the best value concept we wanted to offer a one stop shopping approach. When we made the commitment to make Building Diagnostics a mainstay service, we reached out to the known experts that we had worked with in the past and invited them to become partners in a cooperative effort. We are proud of our association with FCG (Facility Consulting Group), HCR (Hummer Construction Resources) and West and Stem Architects.

We wanted to introduce you to our partners and decided that we would post a bio on each of our partners. We will focus our next three blogs on our partners, beginning with Facility Consulting Group (FCG). FCG has been in business since 1993. Their role in HICAPS Building Diagnostic Services is primarily the roof areas. Using thermographic imaging equipment to locate faulty electrical panels and equipment within the building. Infrared Thermography is an important aspect of building diagnostic services. Using this technique deteriorating components can be indentified prior to failure. Moisture is one of the major factors to be considered in building diagnostic surveys. Once moisture makes its way into building materials, structural integrity deteriorates and becomes a breeding ground for mold. Our goal is to help preserve buildings and equipment through preventive maintenance. This is accomplished through a dedicated staff of trained, experienced professionals with the ability to assess and evaluate entire facilities using state of the art methods and equipment.

FCG decided to become a partner based on the strength that each of the companies brings to the group.
The dark area indicates a moisture issue.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Canstruction Project

“The SAME Ol’ Team” which represented the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Cape Fear Post constructed “Canned Castle” out of approximately 200 cans that were donated from various local companies and citizens. Daniel K. Hood, HICAPS, Inc. employee, and treasurer of the SAME post assisted in the collection, coordination, and final “canstruction” efforts. Canstruction is a design/build competition to build structures from full cans of food. The structures were constructed at Independence Mall for the public to view from Aug 29 - Sept 9, and afterwards, the food is donated to local food banks. This was both the first time that Wilmington’s AIA hosted such an event and the SAME chapter’s participation thereof. Daniel and his SAME Ol’ Team teammates learned much from the experience and are already discussing how they will create a more impressive structure at next year’s competition.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Market Garage-City of Roanoke

Rendering Northeast View

East View

HICAPS is working with Branch and Associates to provide a Face Uplift and Facility Expansion.
Architect: Walter Robbs Callahan & Pierce
Branch Project Manager: Tim Wheeler
Superintendent: Wayne Duckett
Engineer/Sutton Kennerly: John Mancuso

This project involves selective demolition, minor lighting and electrical upgrades, a new facade and the addition of a six story, 22,000 square foot parking deck addition. The structure is post tensioned reinforced concrete. The facade renovation will include a mixture of ground face block, brick and EIFS which will be combined to accentuate the existing pre-cast on the south and east elevations. New windows will be installed as will louvers and storefronts to complete the exterior renovations. The current garage entrance will be relocated to the southwest corner and vehicles will enter and exit the garage through the alley on the west side of the structure. There will also be tenant space available for future fit-up at the ground level on the north. And the new parking deck addition will allow for seventy additional parkers.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Greensboro Country Club

Greensboro Country Club

Responding to increased Fitness Center use, Greensboro Country Club decided to invest $3.9 million in an expansion of the existing facility, improve the Tennis Center retail area and renovate both women’s and men’s locker and rooms. Due to the very tight site, it was essential to carefully plan for the addition between the existing Fitness Center and the existing Swimming Pool. It was also important to Greensboro Country Club to keep all existing facilities open and operating during construction. HICAPS was hired by Greensboro Country Club to develop and manage the project schedule that would coordinate the challenging site and operational issues. HICAPS also maintained the project budget report and facilitated all owner/contractor meetings and generated the meeting minutes and associated reports.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

HICAPS Announcement

HICAPS, Inc. is pleased to announce that we now have our Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) designation. The construction management, project controls, building diagnostics/assessments, CPM scheduling and telecommunication services HICAPS has always offered will now assist Contractors with meeting Federal subcontracting goals for SDVOSB. In addition, this new designation allows us to pursue SDVOSB solicitations as a prime contractor to Federal Agencies. As we continue to team with other companies, please keep us in mind when you are responding to Federal projects with Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business requirements.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Longwood University Heating Plant Update

HICAPS, Inc. was contracted by Branch & Associates, Inc. about one year ago to do the scheduling for Longwood University-Heating Plant (1 new boiler, relocating a second boiler and providing for a future (3rd) boiler) in Farmville, VA. This includes the new Boiler House construction and new AFS boiler. This project will construct a replacement central steam plant. The plant will provide steam to 98% of the campus. The new plant will consist of three wood-fired boilers with a rating less than 30,000 lbs of steam per hour, fuel handling storage system, fuel handling system and other support equipment.
The project will include a new building sited on Barlow Field. The primary fuel will be sawdust, a low-polluting, renewable bio-mass.

AFS Boiler

The new boiler is an AFS Biomass Renewable Energy Wood Dust Fired Boiler and Injection Stoker Fire Box utilizing sawdust as its primary fuel. The sawdust comes from local sawmills and is part of the renewable energy steam generation plant at Longwood University, Farmville VA. For more on AFS AFS Energy Systems Division Inc click the link.

Boiler House

Thursday, July 2, 2009

NCCCMA in New Bern

HICAPS participated in the NCCCMA (North Carolina City and County Management Association) conference in New Bern, NC on June 25-26, 2009. Vendors from across the state of North Carolina were represented in all areas of expertise. HICAPS was there to market our Project Management, Building Diagnostic/Assessments and Telecommunications services. This was our booth. I thought it looked great and wanted to share it with you.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Building Diagnostics Harrahs Cherokee Casino

HICAPS and its BD partnership with FCG, HCR, & West & Stem were recently awarded a contract to do building system construction monitoring and quality assurance on the $250million Harrah’s Cherokee Casino by the Yates Rentenbach partnership. Services include: •Constructability review of contract documents relating to the new Special Events Center building envelope; i.e., roof, EIFS, curtain wall, composite wood panels, composite metal panels, precast wall panels, and natural stone cladding •Review of shop drawing / submittal packages for the above systems •Survey of the existing Casino building envelope including infrared imaging •Roof installation Quality Assurance monitoring including full time observation and monitoring •Final inspection of the roofing using infrared thermography and nuclear scans •Pre-installation meetings and mock up reviews of the various building envelope components •Weekly site visits to review installation of the various building envelope systems paying particular attention to penetration flashings. Doors and windows will be field tested utilizing AAMA 501.2-03 hand held spray nozzle and AAMA 503-3 Spray Rack testing •Final Envelope QA Assurance utilizing infrared thermography to assure that the entire shell is moisture free.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Building Diagnostics Services

We are often asked “what exactly is building diagnostics?” It sounds like something might be sick. In a way this is correct. The failure of building components can cause damage to a building and shorten its overall life expectancy, often without any visual signs. A loss of building efficiency and structural damage can occur, creating hazardous conditions and unhealthy environments. We have partnered with FCG Roofing Consultants of Asheboro, NC, HCR Hummer Construction Resources of Roanoke, VA and West & Stem Architects of Winston-Salem, NC to provide a One Stop Shop approach to building assessments. Please visit our partner links to learn more about them. Another feature of our building diagnostics and assessments services includes energy audits. Energy audits of your commercial building will increase comfort, lower energy bills, increase your resale values and provide discounts with insurance companies and tax related incentives

Tom Smithey, AIC, CPC, LEED AP, CET, ALCM, who has been with HICAPS Inc. since 1999, is the Program Director for the Building Diagnostics Division. He is a graduate of the Building Construction Program at Virginia Tech and is a Certified Professional Constructor. He is one the professionals working with NASCLA to draft a National Contractors’ Licensing Exam and personally holds General Contractor Licenses in NC, SC, VA, GA and FL.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Aldagen Clean Room Project

HICAPS was hired by Aldagen Corporation to provide design-build (general contracting) services for a new state of the art clean room complex to meet their new process production requirements, FDA standards, and ISO 14644-1 air quality standards. The facility is approximately 5,400 sf with multiple sorting and production rooms, gowning and de-gowning facilities, lab space, bathrooms and a viewing corridor. The complex will be used as a production site for a new medical procedure that extracts adult stem cells from patient’s bone marrow. These stem cells are used to regenerate heart muscle in heart attack patients and to regenerate blood vessels in diabetic patients suffering from poor blood circulation. The clean room complex is a building within a building concept, with extensive electrical and HVAC systems to include a HEPA filter fan system and a 120 KW backup generator.

The design and construction of this facility was completed in four months to FDA standards and met ISO air quality standard classes 6, 7, and 8 in individual areas. The quality of the facility exceeded Aldagen’s expectations. Due to the outstanding design and the level of cleanliness maintained during construction, the rooms in the complex were certified one to two classes higher than called for in the contract. This has allowed Aldagen to meet European Union Standards in addition to US Standards, which is desirable for future certifications. HICAPS is proud to have a part in bringing this break-through medical procedure to the public.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Roads, Highways and Bridges

HWY 52 Bridge

This is the HWY 52 bridge crossing the new HWY 58 Bypass project in Hillsville, VA, and it was the first one constructed on the Hillsville Bypass Project by DLB, Inc (a subcontractor to Branch Highways Inc.) This project was significant because the haul road for nearly one million cubic meters of cut that was moved from the east end of the project to the west end, must pass under this bridge in the road bed of HWY58. The project was designed by HNTB Corp. under contract with Branch Highways, and is scheduled to be completed in the Fall of 2011.

Howlett St. Bridge

Here you can see the south abutment and the piers for the Howlett St. Bridge over the new HWY 58 in Hillsville, VA. This project is also currently in progress, with projected completion of the bridge in August 2009. the bridge is located in a cut that was formerly a rock quarry that had to be removed by blasting. Over two million cubic meter of earth will be moved during this project’s completion.

Richmond Rte 895

Located at the Richmond International Airport entrance, this bridge was part of the Rte 895 airport entrance improvements completed by Branch Highways in October of 2008. The purpose of the 1.3 mile long project was to relieve the traffic congestion going in and out of the airport. Because the Richmond Int’l Airport is also located on a historical Civil War site near the Seven Pines battlefield in Sandstone, VA, great care had to be taken to ensure that project stay within its limits so as not to disturb the historical area.

Moses Cone Health Systems, Greensboro, NC

HICAPS provided Owner’s Representative/ Construction Management services for over 16 multiple concurrent projects.

• Construction Manager / Owner’s Representative
• On-site Project Management
• Cost Estimating
• Customer / Design Coordination
• Bid Process Management
• Value Engineering Management
• Construction Management
• Schedule Management

Project: Courtney Reserve

Courtney Reserve, located in Cary, NC, is a 240 unit apartment complex on approximately 11 acres of land. The community consists of 7 main apartment buildings (3 story and 3 story with half basements), 8 carriage houses (2 unit, 8 bay garage 2 story buildings), and a 7 and 8 bay garage with handicap units, a clubhouse, gym, swimming pool, and maintenance building.

Check out more pictures of the finished project at the complex website,

• Construction Manager / Owner’s Representative
• On-site Project Management
• Cost Estimating
• Bid Process Management
• Value Engineering Management
• Construction Management
• Schedule Management
• Move-in Coordination
• Project Closeout

Monday, May 4, 2009

Project: Penn National Insurance

The complete renovation of this existing two-story, 45,000 sqft office building included new mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems, as well as roof, exterior finish and interior finishes.

• Construction Manager / Owner’s Representative
• On-site Project Management
• Cost Estimating
• Bid Process Management
• Value Engineering Management
• Construction Management
• Schedule Management
• Move-in Coordination
• Project Closeout

Saturday, May 2, 2009

2003 Bond Project – Guilford County Schools

Northern Guilford Middle School and Northern Guilford High School
This 120 acre site is now home to a 285,000 sqft high school, a 140,637 square foot middle school, stadium, ball fields, and sustainable design features.

Pleasant Garden Elementary
A 20, 800 sqft addition that includes classrooms and a cafeteria.

Guilford Elementary
A new 89, 900 sqft building intended for a student body population of 750.

Parkview Elementary
This 26,406 sqft project includes six classrooms, a multipurpose room, a media center and various administrative spaces added on to an existing school site.

EP Pearce Elementary
A 89, 400 sqft school built on a new site, intended for a student body population of 750 students.

Oak View Elementary
A 19, 952 sqft addition of 11 classrooms.

• Construction Manager / Owner’s Representative
• On-site Project Management
• Cost Estimating
• Customer / Design Coordination
• Bid Process Management
• Value Engineering Management
• Construction Management
• Schedule Management
• Move-in Coordination
• Project Closeout

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Finished Project Update: The Crossings at Alexander

In July of 2008 we completed work on The Crossings at Alexander, a 300 unit luxury apartment complex located in Raleigh, NC. The 15 acre space is home to 25 buildings including: 10 main apartment buildings, 12 carriage houses (2 unit, 8 bay garage apartments) 1-4 bay garage with handicap units, clubhouse /gym with attached mail kiosk, pool, and maintenance building.

Take a look at the finished project at

aerial view of work in progress

• Construction Manager / Owner’s Representative
• On-site Project Management
• Cost Estimating
• Bid Process Management
• Value Engineering Management
• Construction Management
• Schedule Management
• Move-in Coordination
• Project Closeout

For more information on this project, please contact us at or (336)665-1234

Saturday, April 25, 2009


We would like to congratulate our first five LEED AP status assoicates: Tom Smithey, Chris Roth, Daniel Hood, Gabriele Medley-Harry, and Keith Chriscoe. As well as being a diversified full-service Project Management firm, HICAPS has committed its resources to the training and accreditation of its associates in support of sustainable design and construction, which we feel is the future of our industry. We're proud to be a part of the sustainable future.

Daniel Hood is a LEED AP in our Wilmington, NC office


What Does That Mean?

LEED AP status exemplifies HICAPS commitment for its construction personnel to meet the LEED “Accredited Professional” (AP) standards that were established by the United States Green Building Council. LEED training and certification provide HICAPS employees an established set of practices with metrics that encourages and hastens the global adaptation of sustainable green building. To learn more about LEED AP credentials, log onto

Call us at HICAPS- 1.336.665.1234 to discuss your next project that will make your neighbors green with envy.